7 Things to know before Travelling

January 15, 2012
  1. All plane tickets are changeable no matter what is written on them, and any fees for changing can be waived with the right airline agent.
  2. When you exchange money, hang on to the receipt until you’ve left the country. Once in a great while, someone at the airport will want to see proof of all your foreign exchanges.
  3. Never assume that your taxi driver knows where your destination is. Double-check and get him to ask someone before you go if there’s any doubt.
  4. The police are not always your friends.
  5. The concept of personal space means very different things in different countries. You kind-of have to get used to that.
  6. Be careful with all hand gestures, including the “thumbs-up” sign and the “a-OK” sign. Both of these signs are highly provocative in some places.
  7. Be prepared to represent your country, whether you care about politics or not.

posted in Travel by Squall

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