Saving Milk

September 4, 2012

If you too often find yourself throwing out expired milk or milk that has turn bad, Here’s a tip you can use to save your milk.

  1. Divide your milk into 1-cup portions and put them in the freezer
  2. To get the maximum shelf life, freeze your milk soon after purchase.
  3. Due to the water content in milk, milk will expand when frozen. Capped glass bottles is a bad idea…
  4. Frozen milk will change color slightly when frozen, but will return to normal once defrosted.
  5. Defrost milk slowly in the fridge (non-freezer compartment) over a few days.
  6. Despite extended shelf-life, please consume the milk within 1 month of the use-by-date

posted in Household Tips, Kitchen Tips by Squall

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